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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

NWO vs Galactic Federation of Light

If you research the real fed, you will soon find:

*Expanded awareness of how events in your life occur and
problem-solving abilities on how to make changes in your

*Learn about energy and how thoughts and emotions initiate
results in both the ordinary world and spirit world

*By connecting with your inner power you will no longer feel
that you are the victim of circumstances

*Feel empowered as you discover how you are connected to all
of life.  Your view of life will be broadened and deepened.

*Your way of communicating with others will improve and your
personal relationships will shift.

*Access knowledge that you did not think you possessed

*Learn how to feel more relaxed and less stressed in the
face of obstacles

*Discover the power and healing forces of nature.

*You will see life as more exciting as you learn about the
awesome mysteries of life

Back From the Frontlines

No not the war, the holy war. The acts of those here in the homeland are part of the mass conscious network. Embrace it. Join the cyber war for fruition and esoteric demands.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Beautiful as Always

It's the only way it can be! Remove all doubt about yourself, dive into fear of unknown..return only once you have fully transmuted the fear into unconditional love! :) <3

Important Websites and Review

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Dimensions: a little chat ^_^

Okay I've been getting way too many questions about my youtube, this should clear it up. The Earth is larger smarter and more important then us. We are just one, she is many. Now: What this means is... you should find a way to help her. How can I do that? I'm so small! Either meditate everyday for 10-20minutes. OR Accept that you simply wish to live with the flow. Do BOTH? and you begin... the real journey of your mind and spirit and body all together. The Earth is giving birth (*rhyme*) and we are moving from the 4th dimension (not third any more if you do the above meditation) and soon we will enter the 5th dimesnion, about the same time as when the Myans said Dec 21 2012- the singularity event.

WE the PEOPLE will have MASS LANDINGS by those whom you have never been allowed to see. ET.
once they willingly offer their abundant unconditional love, everyone will rejoyce and ship tours for all!

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Big 3

im smart  cuz i never had hate for you
im power cuz i learned a ninja way
im love cuz i know god itself yes
im ready cuz i had a vision with meaning
im teaching cuz i want to spread learning

why do i do this? to help, and to spread awareness (Four hour sessions available)

by the end of a session you will:

feel stronger.
believe in god, angels, and the 5th dimensional heaven on earth.
know your 12th dimensional self, and never have fear. ever. :)

I want to help all who believe there is more to life... quickly!

I used to be an atheist, about 4 months ago I found God. Soon after I stumbled through trajedy and yet emerged with my newest findings about life. I am glad to have my life, my story, and this blog to share. I have written way too many papers being the philosopher that I am. I want to make it simple for you:

1.) I have had more near-death encounters in my life then you, almost 100% guaranteed. (11)
2.) I wish to make all religious and all non-religious believe what I know to be true and real.

That is: Matter and Dark Matter dont matter if the body, mind and soul are not connected first. Also unconditional love is the final step to learning how to go with the flow. Chase fear down, hunt it. Then...
Transmute it. Gain either knowledge or strength from the fear. From the surrender of your heart.

I can make all atheist begin to believe in more, this I say not to brag, but to offer as a service. It takes time, love, and faith alone. It takes nature and remarkably some technology as well. This is how it is.